Sunrise in Bayerebon, Ghana
Fairtrade Fortnight 2008 is round the corner! There are so many ways you can get involved to make this the best year yet!
- Send off for your free Divine Chocolate supporter kits from Ethical Superstore. They contain leaflets, postcards, posters and of course chocolate so you can set up an event to spread the Divine word!
- Check out our events calendar and attend an event and meet the farmers for yourself. Divine Chocolate will be in London, Exeter, St Austell, Wales and Ireland, see you there!
- Visit the Fairtrade Foundation bus tour
- Make something Divine, like a cake and take it into work. For recipe ideas visit
- Look out for offers in your supermarkets over the next 2 weeks on Fairtrade goods, especially delicious Divine Chocolate!
- Stock the choc, if your local newsagent or store does not stock Divine Chocolate then please request for them to sell it. You will be directly benefitting thousands of Ghanaian farmers by doing so