Paul and Kojo enjoy Fairtrade drinks with a giant banana at a local Oxfam shop

Divine Chocolate's David Greenwood-Haigh presenting at Queen University
From Wales to Ireland and the final leg of the Divines 'Chocolate makes the world go round' tour. Paul and Kojo arrived in Belfast to the sound of drums as the Oxfam Ireland shop on Rosemary Street arranged a Fairtrade party in honour of the farmers and Fairtrade Fortnight. There was even a giant Fairtrade banana, a must at all parties.
Then on to Queen University, awared Fairtrade status, for an evening with their business student's. Divine Chocolate with Paul and Kojo gave presentation's, followed by a local Fairtrade cafe, showing how Fairtrade is making a difference to farmers in Ghana and a difference to local businesses in Ireland.